As I’ve been reading Healing Spiritually again, I’ve noticed
something helpful –
the attitude of those praying;
the observations
of those trained in the medical field; and
that the motive for prayer must always be spiritual growth.
a) Attitude:
Page 22: “The turning
point came with the practitioner’s earnest
request that I understand myself unreservedly to be the child of God…Consequently
I was able to, and had to, cancel out in my thinking (so to speak) the medical
diagnosis that I was suffering from an incurable illness.”
Page 27: “The Bible, the textbook, and a dictionary were my constant companions.”
Page 61: “Finally, the steadfast
insistence of the practitioner that when I thought of man I was to think of
God’s own expression, began to awaken me.
I understood what when I thought of myself I was really thinking of God’s
expression of good, not of a senior mortal subject to failing strength and
faculties…I was able to make some progress each day in radically changing my view of myself, as well as unscientific
concepts of others, which I had unthinkingly clung to for over half a century.”
Page 70: “I was not diligently
striving to understand the truths of Christian Science myself, and healing
did not come.”
Page 73: “…her unflinching
confidence in God’s power to heal…”
Page 81: “Circumstances had now brought me to a point of
total humility. And now I also saw that absolute dedication to this
demonstration was needed…I worked specifically to reverse, through prayerful
treatment, whatever was predicted or diagnosed.”
Page 87: “I began to glorify God each day…Two errors in my own thought came to the surface during
this period of spiritually scientific study.”
Page 91: “I…began really
studying Christian Science…The practitioner stuck with me night and day…”
Page 132: “I prayed for everyone, my family and the world…a
prayer one knows is answered because of a silent inner assurance…”
Page 153: “Now I began concentrated
Page 159: “…our family, along with a Christian Science
practitioner, prayed constantly to
see our daughter as God had created her, whole and perfect.”
Page 160: “…I too studied
and prayed for many hours each day to destroy the mesmeric suggestion of
Page 168: “…a childlike
acceptance of good as real is not naïve, but powerful and healing.”
b) Comments from some with medical training:
Page 50 & 51: “Through all my nursing education and
teaching, I’d seen what makes people
sick. It is not germs and viruses
and organisms, but rather such problems as hate, fear, greed, guilt, grief, and
an expectation of mental cause and physical effect, which I could see written
on people’s bodies. (I had reached these
conclusions long before learning of Christian Science.)…Scientific Christian
prayerful treatment goes beyond just healing symptoms. It gets to the heart of the matter and solves
the real problem, which is always mental, and this always leaves me a better
person. In the course of healing, I have
grown spiritually.”
Page 110: Medical
theory is the product of human thought.
All its reasoning is from effect
to cause. The illness is accepted as
real, and then a possible cause is presumed to have resulted in that
effect. This presumption is then
accepted as law. Because sickness is
accepted as real, a great deal of fear ensues.
But when you look away from the physical body and reason that perfect
God could produce only perfect effect, you feel His presence and power.”
c) Spiritual growth:
Page 65: “This spiritual
growth revealed to me that the main error needing to be eliminated was “righteous
indignation.” In the guise of
righteousness, indignation can seem very justified; but any indignation is
mortal mind and must be ruled out of the human experience…I was learning that
victory can come by obeying rules, and I diligently
sought out those rules…close scrutiny…strict obedience…”
Page 152: “…I reminded our son that prayerful treatment does
not set out primarily to change the physical condition, but to spiritualize thought, and this brings
healing…Apparently the fog of lethargy and self-pity had been broken as he sat
down by himself and really studied ideas from the Bible and Science and Health…”
Page 155: “A side effect of this healing was that my
daughter released the animosity and
resentment she had felt toward another student…she became a much happier
And finally what has to be my favourite quote in the book so
far: Page 93: “There is no destructive force in all of God’s kingdom…” Jer Master, Bombay, India
Julie Swannell