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CURRENT EVENTS See for more details.

On zoom and at 61 Ernest St, Margate Queensland:

Thanksgiving service: Wednesday November 6, 1pm.

Church Services: 10 am (Queensland time) Sunday. 

Testimony Meetings: 1 pm in the Reading Room and on zoom every Wednesday. Hear how Christian Science is relevant today.

Sunday School: Children and young people up to 20 years are welcome to attend Sunday school classes. Please call in advance if you can.

Reading Room: Mondays 10am - 1pm. Wednesdays 10am - 12noon.

Monitor discussions: Please contact the Reading Room for topics. We started these monthly chats in February 2021. 11am on the third Wednesday each month.

Youth Summit Saturday April 13, 2024, 9.30am - 3.30pm. This was a wonderful success and we thank everyone for their attendance and love!

Lecture - Sunday April 14, 2024, 3pm at 61 Ernest St, Margate. Christian Science practitioner and teacher Giulia Nesi Tetreau, a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship, spoke on The Quest to Experience God

Lecture: Edwina Aubin, a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship, spoke about The Science of Christianity: Divine Love in Action on Sunday May 15 at 2pm at Redcliffe Volunteer Hub, The Old Fire Station, 395 Oxley Ave, Redcliffe

LECTURE 20 Sept 2021 -  Breaking News: Freedom is Ours Now with Patricia Woodard CS (a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship). 

Our annual Thanksgiving Service for 2020 was held at 11 am Saturday November 28.

May 2020: Alexandre Fischer, CS, from Paris, France, lectured for us via the internet. It was a wonderful event!

Thanksgiving Sat Nov 30 2019 at 10am - a joyful occasion!

Lecture: at Christian Science Reading Room, George St, Brisbane City.  12:30pm, Tuesday July 9 2019. Melanie Wahlberg's topic: Never Alone: How Spiritual Ideas Work in Us.

May 7, 2019: Lecture "Angry No More" followed by Questions and Answers, at the Cayman Rood, Mon Komo Hotel, 99 Marine Parade, Redcliffe. Lecturer Michelle Nannouche.

2018: Saturday November 17 - Thanksgiving service, 10 am

April 2018 - Commonwealth Games at the Gold Coast / Christian Science lecture / "pop up Reading Room"

2018 - February 24-25 - Bible Workshops at the State Library with Madelon Maupin. We learned about Psalms, Galatians, and the mighty book of Revelation. Sunday March 18 - Lecture by Mary Bothwell "Experiencing Heaven NOW" at The Old Fire Station at 1pm.

2017 Thanksgiving, 1pm Wednesday December 13 in the Reading Room.
Saturday Feb 25 - Lecture by Phillip Hockley "A New View of God and its effects on well-being"; Saturday March 4 - Lecture by Maryl Walters "The Healing Power of Divine Love", followed by a stirring Ecumenical Workshop. 

2016 Sunday Nov. 27 was a very happy Thanksgiving occasion. We each filled in our little "I'm grateful for" cards and happily received our Thanksgiving "packs". 

2015, Sunday November 1: Thanksgiving was held following our church service, with a light lunch in between. Many heartfelt contributions testified to the healing efficacy of Christian Science right now, right where we are. The theme was: "The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord".

2015, March 21 - Beth Packer gave us two WONDERFUL lectures at the Redcliffe Golf Club: Accessing our Un-limited Resources and Love Heals.  It was a great event, with several interested newcomers.

2015, March 6 - 8 - Bible Study with Madelon Maupin. Our church at Redcliffe was fully booked out for all of the sessions:

  • Friday night - Old Testament
  • Saturday morning - New Testament
  • Saturday afternoon - Paul
  • Sunday afternoon - Romans and Acts + how to start a Bible study

2014, Nov 22 (10am) Thanksgiving was truly inspiring and holy: focusing on gratitude is so cleansing.

2014, March - "Spiritual Training" lecture by wonderful speaker Josh Niles

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