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Sunday, 8 September 2019

A fascinating Chronological Index

I find it very interesting that there is, at the back of our book, Mary Baker Eddy Mentioned Them, there is a list of the people mentioned, as listed in chronological periods.  Thus:

  • Classical Times
  • Early Christian Period
  • The Renaissance, Reformation and Elizabethan Age
  • Identified with 17th Century
  • identified with 17th and 18th Centuries
  • Identified with 18th Century
  • Identified with 18th and 19th Centuries
  • Identified with 19th Century
  • Identified with 19th and 20th Century

 Joyce Voysey

Ed. Joyce photocopied the Index for our readers, but the images were rather small once set in the blog, so here is just a taste -- transcribed for book club readers.  


Classical Times

 ?100-850 BC......................... Homer
Sixth Century BC................... Pythagoras
469-399 BC...........................  Socrates
460-357 BC...........................  Hippocrates
427-347 BC...........................  Plato
384?-322 BC.......................... Demosthenes
384-322 BC...........................  Aristotle
356-323 BC...........................  Alexander the Great
c. 300 BC...............................  Euclid
70-19 BC...............................  Virgil (Publius Virgilius Maro)
63 BC-AD 14......................... Augustus (Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus)
42 BC-AD 37..........................Tiberius Caesar
AD 37-117.............................  Flavius Josephus
c. 60-c. 120...........................   Epictetus
62-113..................................    Pliny the Younger (Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus)
Middle of Second Century...... Claudius Ptolemy

Early Christian Period

?...........................................   Publius Lentulus
69-155..................................  Polycarp
?...........................................   Papias (contemporary of Polycarp)
100(?)-165(?).......................   Justin Martyr
280(?)-337............................  Constantine (Flavius Valerius Constantinus)
354-430................................   St. Augustine (Aurelius Augustinus)

Middle Ages
1265-1321............................. Dante Alighieri
1272(?)-1305.........................Sir William Wallace
1320(?)-1384.........................John Wyclif
1340(?)-1400.........................Geoffrey Chaucer

The Renaissance, Reformation, and Elizabethan Age

1451-1506............................. Christopher Columbus
1452-1498............................. Girolamo Savonarola
1473-1543............................. Nicolaus Copernicus
1483-1520............................. Raphael Santi
1564-1642............................. Galileo Galilei
1600-1681............................. Pedro Calderรณn de la Barca
1483-1546............................. Martin Luther
1497-1560............................. Philip Melanchthon
1509-1564............................. John Calvin
1519-1572............................. Gaspard de Coligny
1533-1603............................. Elizabeth I
1564-1616............................. William Shakespeare
1573-1637............................. Ben Jonson

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