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Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Lydia -a seller of purple

Joyce Voysey
Chapter 16 of Acts records the conversion of both Lydia (a seller of purple at Thyatira, a city in what is now western Turkey) and the keeper of the prison where Paul and Silas were imprisoned.  There is always opposition and set-backs but the work goes on.  The spread of Jesus’ teaching is dramatic.  The chapter ends with Lydia providing a place for Paul and Silas after their release from prison.  It seems to me that we are left with a beautiful image of the house (consciousness) of Lydia.

The geography of this chapter I find somewhat confusing.  As Paul was forbidden to preach in Roman Asia, a voice told him to go to Macedonia (Greece in Europe), which he did.

But Lydia was at Thyatira (Turkey).  No, Lydia was from Asia, but was living in Macedonia.

I have found a web site with maps easily obtainable – Daily Bible Study by Wayne Black.  Here is a link to a map of Paul’s second journey, which lasted for 3 years – 49-52 A.D. 

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