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Saturday, 18 January 2014

Gilbert Eddy

I am so glad to read something new about Gilbert Eddy on page 90 of our January book, A World More Bright – The Life of Mary Baker Eddy.

I get the idea that he lived the Science he was taught by Mary – I loved the comment made by Clara Choate, “He was most reliable both in word and deed.” 
What I hadn’t heard before was that he taught classes, the first one being in April 1878.  And “He spent his time healing patients while Mary worked on revising Science and Health.”  What a help-meet he was for Mary!  He could cook, and sew, even tailor his own clothes.  The side bar about him on page 90 is a delight to read.

I enjoyed all that was written about Gilbert Eddy. 

How about this quote recorded by one of Mrs. Eddy’s students: “Christian Scientists should so live that they will not need to tune themselves like a violin when they are called upon to help – they always should be prepared and ready to meet the need” (page 94).  It reminds me that if we always have a right scientific view of someone, there will be no need to change our thought of them when they pass from our sight.

How grateful we are that seven of Mrs. Eddy’s poems have been set to music as hymns to be sung at Christian Science church services!  Interesting that our Sacrament hymn was first published as a poem in the Lynn Register and called “Hymn of Science” – in 1876.  It went through a few revisions to reach its present form.  Wonderful Science!

Joyce Voysey

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