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Sunday, 23 February 2014

Everyday speech and the chart of life

Joel Chapter 2.

The Revised King James Version notes all the quotes from other books of the Bible made in Joel, and in return The Revelation of St. John quotes from Joel - as well as, it seems, most if not all, of the other books of the Bible.

It is all one story really, isn’t it?  And Mary Baker Eddy carries on that story in her work Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, either quoting exactly or referencing Bible words and phrases.  The discerning reader can find these on almost every page of Science and Health.

So, what is the story?  Let’s look at what S&H says about it –

Page vii.  The Bible was the sole teacher of the author of S&H.  viii:30.

Page 25: It is the chart of life.  “Acquaintance with the original texts, and willingness to give up human beliefs (established by hierarchies, and instigated sometimes by the worst passions of men) open the way for Christian Science to be understood, and make the Bible the chart of life, where the buoys and healing currents of Truth are pointed out.”  24:4

Page 58.  Guide in marriage.  “She that is married careth… how she may please her husband,” says the Bible; and this is the pleasantest thing to do.  58:31-1

Page 99.  Demands escape from sin.  “Human philosophy, ethics, and superstition afford no demonstrable divine Principle by which mortals can escape from sin; yet to escape from sin, is what the Bible demands.  99:2-5

Page 104.  The ultimate authority on scientific truth.  “Agassiz…said: ‘Every great scientific truth goes through three stages.  First, people say it conflicts with the Bible….”  104:8-10

Page 110.  Textbook for scientific revelation.  “In following these leadings of scientific revelation, the Bible was my only textbook.”  110:13-14

Page 126.  Authority and guide.  “The Bible has been my only authority.  I had had no other guide in ‘the straight and narrow way’ of Truth.”  126:29

Page 131.  Factual.  “The central fact of the Bible is the superiority of spiritual over physical power.”  131:10

Page 141.  Says all believers are ‘kings and priests unto God.’  “The Bible declares that all believers are made ‘kings and priests unto God.’” 141:20-21

Page 146.  Sanctions divine Science. “Divine Science derives its sanction from the Bible, and the divine origin of Science is demonstrated through the Holy influence of Truth in healing sickness and sin.”  146:23-26

Page 241.  Teaches the transformation of the body.  “The Bible teaches transformation of the body by the renewal of Spirit.  Take away the spiritual signification of Scripture, and that compilation can do no more for mortals than can moonbeams to melt a river of ice.”  241:13-17

Page 242:  Teaches that the facts of being are commonly misconstrued.  “According to the Bible, the facts of being are commonly misconstrued, for it is written” ;They parted my raiment among them, and for my vesture they did cast lots.’”  242:21-24  NB. The ‘facts of being’ are set forth in the scientific statement of being in the Christian Science textbook.  468:9

Page 263.  Bible language has passed into every day speech.  “(Mortal man) might say in Bible language: ‘The good that I would, I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.’” 263:17
Joyce Voysey

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