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Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Paul's mission and message

Reading this letter gives us some clues about Paul’s mission, how he perceived his calling and what he felt was his overarching message to them.


Chapter 1

Paul was absolutely certain that he had been “called” by Jesus according to God’s plan, and sent to “the church” in Corinth. This letter is to the believers, those “cleaned up by Jesus” (The Message - Msg).


So, who did he think Jesus was? He refers to Jesus Christ as “the Lord” (“the Master” – Msg), one who is evidence of “the grace of God” (“free and open access to God given by Jesus” – Msg).


Paul assures his readers that Christ has enriched them in every way and this has been “confirmed” (“clearly verified” - Msg) in their lives. They are not lacking in any respect. In fact they were “called unto the fellowship of His son Jesus Christ our Lord.”  


Now comes the crunch line in verse 10. They have to learn to get along with one another, see each other as one family, not little factions. With clarity and humility, Paul explains his role (v. 17): “God didn’t send me out to collect a following for myself, but to preach the Message of what he has done, collecting a following for him” (Msg). What a grand purpose for our work today – to collect a following for him!


The King James Version stunningly gives Christ as “the power of God, and the wisdom of God” (v. 24), while The Message has “God’s ultimate miracle and wisdom all wrapped up in one.”


And finally, Christ Jesus is described as “made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption” i.e. “…none of you can get by with blowing your own horn before God. Everything that we have—right thinking and right living, a clean slate and a fresh start—comes from God by way of Jesus Christ” (Msg).
How wonderful that this message still rings true for us today.
Julie Swannell

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