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Monday, 22 June 2015

Maturing and progress

What a fine record the Boston Herald has given us of the Communion Service and Dedication of the Extension of The Mother Church – so gentle and kind and appreciative.

Imagine the Readers and soloist holding six services in the one day, beginning at 7.30 a.m.!  

The record states that all the services were exactly the same, but, as a First Reader, I feel that each one had its special-ness according to the spiritual impetus of the members of the congregation. I notice that the silent prayer towards the end of the service was of five minutes duration. A long time to be kneeling! A good opportunity to hone humility skills.

Having so recently becoming acquainted with a bound copy of the first volume of The Christian Science Journal, I marvel at the progress the church had made in the twenty years that had intervened. Christian Science had matured.

Joyce Voysey

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