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Monday, 7 September 2015

Personal presence not necessary

Before we start our discussions on  Genesis, I am going to revert to our August reading.

I have found absolutely fascinating, Mary Baker Eddy's letters to the brand new branch churches which sprouted up around the United States and beyond. See Chapters 8 and 9 of The First Church of Christ, Scientist and Miscellany.  

Here are her responses to invitations to personally attend the dedication of branch church edifices. Her answers are invariably to decline the invitation. She frequently cites not only pressure of time and work commitments, but also the fact that her personal presence is not needed. What a lesson to us all as we ponder the concepts of time and space from the higher perspective of Mind's omnipresence, and the instruction to "keep personality out of sight..." (p. 191: 12).

Later she speaks of "a complete subordination of self" (p. 194), and our need of putting our talents to work in order to "silence a deep discontent with our shortcomings" (p. 195).

postscript: In Eddy's letter to the church in Chicago is a reference to Papias' LOGIA, written in AD145. I've never heard of him before! See page 178. Wikipedia has an entry about him, which may be of interest to our readers.

Julie S.

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