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Monday, 14 November 2016

Strangers and new friends

Page 366 has a favourite quote from Saville R Davis, who was, at the time of Canham's writing, managing editor of the Monitor: “Strangers are just the friends you haven't yet made.” He put this philosophy into effect in travelling and reporting from “Japan, Taiwan, South Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Thailand, Indonesia, Burma, India, and Afghanistan – with a briefer look at Pakistan and the Middle East.” All in one year. These few pages are very insightful about the East and its diverse peoples.

I used that quote many years ago (though I wasn't able to quote it as being from Mr. Davis so I said “a wise man”) when I was introducing Christian Science Lecturer John Wyndham. I was introducing the audience to their “new friend.”

As I finish the book, I wonder how often current workers for the Monitor are required to re-read it!

Joyce Voysey

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