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Thursday, 31 August 2017

I John helps at exam time.

As a Christian Scientist, one is necessarily a student - always learning, and loving it!

But what if the learning stagnates; you reach an impasse, or feel you are on a plateau? Help is right there in the Bible.

One student found I John 2:20 a great help. Writing in the May 10, 1999 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel, Charles Edward Langton shares how it helped him, in his article called "Clear Thinking At Exam Time".

The passage is this: "... ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things" (I John 2:20).

He writes that once he remembered this passage, "the ideas I needed flowed into thought in an orderly manner. I successfully completed the exam and the degree program."

Isn't the Bible wonderful?

Julie Swannell

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