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Sunday, 25 February 2018

Job in the cross-currents

Job's story is a rollicking one. The arguments flow freely from each of his friends, Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zohar, and their earnest advice swirls around in thought as Job responds in turn. Finally, the young Elihu enters the stage with complete assurance that he has the answers to Job's dilemma. But his breathless judgments ("I must speak so I will feel relief" (Job 32:20, Expanded Bible)) -  although having shards of light - also fall to the ground. 

Through all this wrestling (reminders of Jacob's struggle at Peniel), Job shouts: "I wish I knew where to find God" (Job 23: 3, Expanded Bible) and later asks: "Where can wisdom be found, and where does understanding live?" (Job 28: 12, EB). 

Finally, he decides to be quiet - "The words of Job are finished" (Job 31:40, EB) and at last we hear God's voice (see Job 38 and on). God instructs Job to "Be strong like a man!" (Job 40:7). 

Job is now ready to turn his life around: "...I will change my heart and life" (Job 42: 6).

The book of Job reminds me of the court case in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (Mary Baker Eddy). See pages 430 - 442.

What's grand is that the study of the Bible provides an ever-unfolding revelation with new insights at each reading.

Julie Swannell

PS. I've finally located Dr. Laura Pleming's wonderful book Triumph of Job (copyright 1978) on my bookshelf. I highly recommend this work to book club readers.

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