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Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Hymns for Sunday school-ers

Not being a musician, I didn't follow the development of the latest Christian Science Hymnal when the opportunity was presented; I didn't feel that I had anything to contribute. But I understand that it was a very inspiring process. Wonderful musicians and others at work with spiritual gusto, I gather. I hope Julie, our editor, will be able to fill us in on the genesis and development of the project.
(Ed. or anyone else who contributed ideas!]

It is to be hoped that eventually we will have a printed concordance to the words of these hymns similar to the one for the 1932 Christian Science Hymnal. There is one on the internet and it can be printed out, but it is cumbersome in both products, and it gives the bare word and none of the context which is so helpful in the old book. That old Concordance to Christian Science Hymnal and Hymnal Notes is a mine of information, particularly in the Notes. (Ed. Note that the online program Concord - available in two formats paid/unpaid subscription - offers paid subscribers access to a word finder concordance along with excellent musical accompaniment to the new hymns.)

I have a special feeling about the music in this hymnal. I feel that somehow it is bringing me up to date on music. It has such a new tone to me. Hymns in 4/4 time appeal to me – 580 Take my life, and let it be, for instance. 

Another thing. I was brought up on the old children's hymns such as Jesus wants me for a sunbeam and Jesus bids us shine. And our 1932 Christian Science Hymnal seemed to me to lack suitable songs for the little ones. However, there are quite a lot in this book. I have marked my Hymnal's Index to show the ones I think are specially appropriate:

435 All is done for the glory of God
466 Dear Lord, lead me day by day
489 Halle, halle, hallelujah
492 He's got the whole world
483 God guards me
499 I am the Lord, there is none else
500 I awake each morn to a brand-new day
516 It's true: God is good
517 Joyfully we're singing
526 Lo! We follow after good
567 Rock of Ages
592 Siyahamba – We are walking in the light of God

Probably there are more which I haven't come to appreciate as yet.

Joyce Voysey

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