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Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Geography and kingdoms

How about the list of “kings of the country which Joshua and the Children of Israel smote on this side Jordan...”! We then have a list of the kings: Josh. 13:9-24. That's 32 kings. 

The area we are reading about is very small – Israel to-day, we are told, measures 420 km x 115 km. But the area Joshua took over didn't include all that area. 

I think of the distance between the Gold Coast and Brisbane as being about 100 km. Take that north for 420 km you might get to Bundaberg. How many cities, towns, villages would that hold? And how about having 32 kings set up in that area?

The web site at might give you a map. (Ed. You can spot Jericho just north of the Dead Sea and Ai a little to the north west of Jericho.)

Joyce Voysey

Ed. Interesting that they were all kings. I wonder about their queens. And how many people constituted each kingdom? With travel being mostly on foot, it's probable that people kept to their own little part of the world.

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