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Friday, 10 April 2020

On watch

I like this poem and it seems particularly appropriate for this Easter:

The Christ Appears
by Eleanor Henderson Buser

The fourth watch--
Can seem the darkest hour of the night,
When sea is tempest-tossed

The fourth watch--
When Jesus came
Walking on the sea

Our fourth watch--
That dark moment
When all seems turbulent
Is when the Christ appears.

This poem appears on page 85 of our book of poetry, Boundless Light, in the section titled: 'Trials, Proofs of God's Care' and indicates the calm and assurance of the Christ, that 'divine manifestation of God, which comes to the flesh to destroy incarnate error' (Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy). Although Jesus was condemned to death by the envy, ignorance, greed and hatred of his enemies--including one of his own disciples--the Christ is inextinguishable. It
is here for the world today as we keep 'the fourth watch'*.

Julie Swannell

*Note: According to the Roman system, the fourth watch described in the New Testament is between 3 and 6 am! See Mark 6:48. I've stood watch on our boat during these hours. It is a thrilling watch because it's most often when the first rays of dawn first appear to break the deepest darkness of the night following the setting of the moon.

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