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Sunday, 3 May 2020

Great stories--great characters

Book Club May 2020: Numbers

Having read the paragraph “Content” in the Introduction to Numbers in the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, I am all excited at the promise of great stories to be told.

First. Great characters: Moses, Miriam, Aaron, Joshua, Caleb. (Dear Caleb; a favourite of mine.)

Second. Some of the best known passages in the Bible: Balaam’s talking donkey and the oracles of Balaam; the priestly benediction; the spies returning with a huge cluster of grapes; the manna and the quails; the water from the rock; Miriam’s leprosy; the bronze serpent that healed snakebite; the revolts of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram; the magical budding of Aaron’s rod; the man executed for gathering sticks on the sabbath; the daughters of Zelophehad; the apostasy of Baal-peor. And the rituals for a woman suspected of adultery, for men and women taking a Nazirite vow, for cleansing polution from contact with a corpse.

Gee Whiz!

Joyce Voysey

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