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Monday, 15 June 2020

Incredible accomplishment - never in haste

A link to a great lecture -- 'Time is not a factor in your life' (see link below) -- popped up in my in-box the other day. The message is plain - it's not more time that we need; it's right ideas. How grateful I was to have this reinforced a few moments ago as I pondered a looming deadline. I picked up We Knew Mary Baker Eddy, Vol. 1 Expanded Edition to continue my reading of Julia Bartlett's recollections.

Miss Bartlett makes the following observations:
- 'Work seemed to be accumulating constantly, and it was marvelous what our Leader accomplished' (p. 70).
- ' seemed almost incredible that [The Christian Science Journal] could be added to the work already being done' (ibid).
- '...she did not falter or delay' (ibid)
- all letters 'had to be written by hand' (ibid)
- '[Eddy] never appeared in haste, [and Bartlett] marveled at the pile of letters (Eddy] would write or the amount of work she would do in a little time' (ibid).

One evening, when Julia Bartlett was so tired that she couldn't even hold her pen, her teacher 'rebuked the error' (p. 71) and she was able to complete the work at hand.

At one point, Bartlett was treating 70 patients a day, her 'work taking [her] far into the night' (p. 74). 'Many who became interested in Christian Science at that time later were teachers and healers themselves, going out into different cities and filling responsible positions, and one [Mr. Ira O. Knapp] was made one of the first Directors of The Mother Church by our Leader' (ibid).

What an example of a 'meek and bold defender' (Hymnal no. 392) was Julia Bartlett. And what an inspiration to know that we too can move beyond being intimidated by the mortal measurement called time, and trust God to order our moments and our days.

Julie Swannell
“Time is not a factor in your life” with Dave Hohle, CSB
How can we begin to gain spiritual freedom from limitation associated with time and age? This talk distinguishes between time and timelessness, age and agelessness, and encourages freedom from mortal limitations associated with time by understanding more about the spiritual nature of life. This understanding leads to more freedom, more productivity, and more harmony.

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