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Wednesday, 28 October 2020

God's cascading love

Since taking up the specific study of the book of Jude, I have discovered a wonderful testimony of the healing of 2 horses which were in dire trouble. I will share an excerpt from the first healing. Vinny is a horse. The writer and her husband started praying as soon as they noticed a problem with Vinny. They also contacted a Christian Science practitioner. Seeing no improvement after two hours, at the request of their son, the horse's owner, they called a vet. Meanwhile, the practitioner continued praying.

The writer continues:  

By the time the vet arrived, Vinny had collapsed, was unable to rise, and clearly was in great distress. After administering a muscle relaxant to relieve pain as well as another drug to move the intestines, the vet said he had done all he could for the time being, and, “It’s up to St. Jude now.” He and my husband left the corral to phone our son and ask what action he wanted to take. The vet outlined the options as: (1) surgery (which was often unsuccessful), (2) administering heavy doses of painkillers and waiting until morning (which would likely not alleviate the horse’s distress), or (3) euthanizing him. The vet recommended the last one, and our son accepted his advice. 

When my husband and the vet returned to the corral minutes later to carry out the decision, Vinny was not where they had left him. He was up and standing at the waterer. The vet was amazed and said he couldn’t believe it. Vinny was able to walk into the barn, where he started to nibble some hay. About an hour later, he was eating normally. And he has had no
aftereffects from this experience.

When my husband came inside to tell me what had happened, I realized that at about the same time the vet had said it was “up to St. Jude,” I had felt that my prayers were complete. I thought it was right to “let go and let God,” and I did. By this I mean that I needed to let go of the feeling that I was personally responsible for curing the horse, and instead cling to what I knew would help: the understanding that God was actually the horse’s very Life. To me, this “letting go” opened the way for the healing to take place...

May 2013 Christian Science Journal - article "No colic" by Joy Sawyer

What a lovely proof of God's tender care. I like how the book of Jude expresses it in this beautiful benediction from verse 2: May God’s mercy, peace, and love cascade over you! (The Passion Translation) 

Julie Swannell

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