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Saturday, 12 December 2020

He's in my book club


Warm greetings to our book club readers. 

People all over the world are joining together to read. Our local library has a group that meets regularly - and from my observation - converses eagerly together about their current choice. It's a great way to expand one's reading and to share insights.

Our Reading Room Book Club has been "meeting" digitally since 2012. We've read so many interesting books together and read about some wonderful discoveries. Mostly, we don't hear from our readers and so we don't know who is reading along at any point in time. That's OK. And it makes the following "Home Forum" essay from The Christian Science Monitor Daily Edition (on Thursday this week I believe) even more appropriate.

So, for those who may have missed it or for those who'd like to read it again. (I hope those without a subscription can access this link. If you have trouble, please email me at 

"He doesn’t know it, but he’s in my book club"

Of course, our book club's major project is to better understand the Bible and its relevance to healing and harmony in our own times, so anyone who's ever dipped into its pages may already be a tacit member of our book club. 


Julie Swannell

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