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Monday, 10 January 2022

Lifted above little sins and omissions

In Mary Baker Eddy's Message for 1900 is an interesting phrase: "right convictions fast forming themselves into conduct" (p. 1:14). 

Conviction: 1. a firmly held belief or opinion; the quality of showing that one is firmly convinced of what one believes or says

Conduct: 1. the manner in which a person behaves, especially in a particular place or situation. 2. the manner in which an organization or activity is managed or directed. 

eg. consider Codes of Conduct - for company directors, professional bodies including sporting bodies, those dealing with children, politicians etc. etc. 

Question for us all: Where did the convictions of Bible characters such as Joseph, Elijah, Abraham, Peter, Daniel etc come from? How did their right convictions form themselves into conduct

In 1946, a gentleman called Harry Boissevain, from the Netherlands, wrote a beautiful testimony for the Christian Science Sentinel July 20, 1946. He speaks of being "lifted above ... little sins and omissions":

"... physical healing must always be the result of spiritual awakening, of strengthening and purifying character. Mrs. Eddy speaks in her Message to The Mother Church for 1900 (p. 1) of "a membership of over sixteen thousand communicants in unity, with rapidly increasing numbers, rich spiritual attainments, and right convictions fast forming themselves into conduct." The latter part of the quotation awakened my thought. I was still in bondage to sensualism, and so my conduct was not always up to my convictions. With the help of the Concordances, I obtained a better understanding of the relation between convictions and conduct, which is obedience, and my life became purer, more honest, more firm on the side of right, more lifted above the little sins and omissions which are so often taken as a matter of course. I found myself increasingly able to make right decisions spontaneously in situations where before doubtful disputations would result in delay and fumbling. I was learning to listen more to God and to rely on what I heard."

I was reminded of Joyce's blog post "Aha!" (4th January 2022) when I got to this part of Harry's testimony:

"In expressing gratitude to our Leader for her important work and Christlike life, I realize that the same power which was manifest in her life and character, and which guided her in writing Science and Health, is present now." 

It is surely the power of the present-now healing Christ which enables the obedience that lifts us into better conduct.

Julie Swannell

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