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Thursday, 18 August 2022

Writing a letter?

Have you written a letter to a friend lately? Did you send it via a friend? Did you take special care over how you expressed your message? Was it a very long letter or quite short? Was it to someone you know well, or a colleague? Was it a formal letter or quite casual? Did you expect the letter to be read aloud to others? Was its message momentous?

Photo: Brad Neathery (Unsplash)

Paul's letter to Philemon is very short! It takes just under 3 minutes to read. I wonder how long Paul spent writing it? As he was under house arrest awaiting trial at the time of writing (probably 57-62 AD), we presume the Roman authorities allowed him to have the equipment he needed with which to compile his letter. 

The brevity of the letter makes it the perfect Bible book with which to compare Bible versions. BibleGateway offers engaging readings from several versions. Just click on the little "speaker" symbol, which is visible when a recording is available. 

For instance, the following speakers read from the following Bibles:

  • Jon Mohr -- Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
  • Max McLean -- English Standard Version (ESV) and King James Version (KJV)
  • Dave McConachie -- Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
  • Kelly Ryan Dolan -- The Message

The letter comes alive. 

Julie Swannell

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