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Saturday, 6 January 2024

How was it possible that God would help?

Early in his book, The Ultimate Freedom, John H. Wyndham speaks of himself thus: "How was it possible that God would help me for I considered myself such a sinner" (p. 17).

Ah! Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy says the communication is always from God to man. (Actually, the sentence reads (S&H p. 284: 31-32): “The intercommunication is always from God to His idea, man.”) Thoughts on how to manage his captivity came directly from Mind, God. John knew that of his own self he could do nothing; as he heard, he spoke and acted.

He was obviously a student of Christian Science when this experience came upon him, and he still considered himself to be a sinner.  

As I read the Bible Lesson this morning, I begin to see John’s progress and the proof of what he says. It seems to illustrate how the truths of the Lesson can be applied in the most dire circumstances, with Biblical certainty and results.

John Wyndham’s captors seemed not to be able to resist his goodness.

Joyce Voysey, 4 Jan. 2024

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