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Saturday, 7 September 2024

One world

Libraries are vital parts of their local community.

In July this year, the Mary Baker Eddy Library hosted a Community Arts Program called ONE WORLD 2024, a series of events and activities highlighting four diverse part of the globe, for their local neighbourhood. 

The program ran over four Tuesdays from 10am to 1pm each week and included indoor and outdoor activities.

Indoors, one could visit the Mapparium and the How do you see the world exhibit, watch a video of kid-friendly stories from around the world sourced from The Christian Science Monitor*, and enjoy free book-giveaways.

Outdoors, one could watch dance and listen to stories from Japan, Jamaica, Ireland and India or be part of a team of painters working on a mural designed by Alex Cook. The project was led by local artist Josh Winer.

The promo says that children were drawn to the vibrancy of it all. I like that.

Julie Swannell

* Read or buy The Christian Science Monitor at Christian Science Reading Rooms. This amazing, trustworthy, thoughtful, uplifting, and informative news source is also available online for a very reasonable price by subscription.

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