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Monday, 31 December 2012

Australian contributions to the Christian Science Hymnal

Well, here is something different – Australia gets a mention in the Hymnal Notes!  Even the Outback. 


William Vincent Wallace played his violin “in the bush, the wild places, west of Sydney, Australia.”  He had musical success in Sydney, before going back to London and other places.  His music is for hymn 23, Mrs. Eddy’s beloved Blest Christmas Morn.


Australia gets another mention in note 26 for Christmas Morn.  The composer of the tune, G. Thalben-Ball, was born in New South Wales.  He also wrote the music for hymns 22, 198, 205, 280, 300, 308; 300 and 308 also having words by Mary Baker Eddy.


It is interesting to me how much of the church music comes from England, and how the compiler of the Hymnal seems to have been familiar with it all.


The note for hymn 29 tells us that the first edition of the Hymnal was produced in 1892.  I had previously stated that it was 1898.  I now conclude that 1898 was the first copyrighted edition as recorded on page ii of my present Hymnal.


Joyce Voysey

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