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Thursday, 11 April 2013

Looked steadfastly toward heaven

I may never get past the first chapter of Acts!

Just now I find the word “steadfastly” interesting – in Verse 10.  The disciples looked steadfastly toward heaven.  Dummelow and Peterson both interpret it as just idly gazing up into the sky.  But ‘steadfastly’ is such a strong word….I will look it up.

Definition of STEADFAST - Merriam-Webster dictionary
a: firmly fixed in place : immovable

b: not subject to change <the steadfast doctrine of original sin — Ellen Glasgow>

2 : firm in belief, determination, or adherence : loyal <her followers have remained steadfast>

stead·fast·ly adverb

I love it.  The disciples were firm in their belief in heaven; the Kingdom of Heaven. 

Pretty soon they got to work in Jerusalem (again “home, heaven”).  They met in an upper room (elevated thought) and Mary, Jesus’ mother was there.  How wonderful!  His “brethren” were there as well.  There is varying view about whether Jesus had lots of brothers and sisters.  (Dummelow explains in detail.)  They prayed together; all of one accord.  The fate of Judas is recorded and they chose an apostle successor to him, after prayer for guidance and casting of lots.  Matthias was chosen over Joseph, called Barsabas, surnamed Justus.  Matthias doesn’t get any further mention in the New Testament.  Dummelow says that the casting of lots could have been accomplished by having “the two names probably written on tablets, and shaken in a vessel until one of them dropped out.” 

I have indeed finished chapter 1.

Joyce Voysey

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful site. Thank you for sharing the fruits of your labors. I feel blessed to have discovered your online reading room.
    i was looking for references and remarks about the "Upper Room". That's how I was linked to this site. Now, I'll be visiting more often:-)
    Glenda Goyette Buda, C.S.


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