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Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Can we trust God?

On page 166 we have a paragraph which seems to echo a thought from last week’s Lesson-Sermon, (title: Is the Universe, Including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?).  The passage is from I Tim. 6:20, “...keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called.” 

The echo that I find in the testimony reads: “The possibility that I could be God’s child was so appealing and comforting.  But spiritual and perfect!  If God exists, if He’s spiritual and is infinite good, then it must be true.  But I wasn’t sure about trusting God.  Being in college, I wondered if there was anything left to trust, since I was discovering how much human knowledge is inherently faulty.”

The writer’s Christian Science friend did for her what Michelle Nanouche’s recent blog post* suggested – she “sang her song to her” – she recognised her true identity.  The outcome, of course, was healing and devotion to the Science of Christianity.

*See Michelle Nanouche CSB, Christian Scientist – MY BLOG
Joyce Voysey

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