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Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Testimony Meetings - Healings today

It’s really great to be reading “Healing Spiritually” again.  It’s such a treasure trove of uplifting healings.  And I’m grateful to have them so thoughtfully arranged in four sections:

1.      Finding a path to spiritual healing;

2.      Healing and guidance in every stage of life;

3.      Gaining control over the unexpected; and

4.      Christian healing throughout life.

These are followed by “an invitation to learn more.” 


I know of a couple of recent Reading Room visitors who just love this book and have shared multiple copies.  It gives hope and assurance to the newcomer as well as to the season student.  But, having attended two testimony meetings today, I feel so grateful that we can feel the assurance of God’s infinite love right here today in the comments and remarks given at these regular meetings, which are held in branch churches and societies around the world.  Tonight I heard healings of an injured wrist, and of influenza; of release from a burdened sense of personal responsibility for a charitable organization; for freedom from pain and a break-through of previously cool relations with other parents at a children’s soccer club.


What’s grand is that each time someone records a blessing – whether verbally or in writing – the blessing continues to bless.  That’s the very nature of gratitude: it buds and blossoms.


I hope everyone will enjoy this month’s book and contribute some thoughts to our book club blog.
Julie Swannell

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