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Friday, 22 November 2013

Do we already think we know it all?

Mary Baker Eddy knew so much about incorrect ways in which men have thought to commune with God, even as Christians.  Who would think there could be such term as ‘divine sin’ or ‘infinite sinner’ in a Christian’s vocabulary (page 15/16 of this month's book Unity of Good)?

As I read the Colloquy, I am telling myself that I know all this, and that I would like to be reading it for the first time.  But God tells me that I do not know all that, because I have not yet ascended.

I think it is in one of the We Knew Mary Baker books, where it is recorded that, during one of Mrs. Eddy’s classes, someone asked if he knew the truth about his patient well enough, would not his patient disappear.  Mrs. Eddy replied that no, he, the practitioner, would disappear.

By the way, my copy of the little book Jewel (mentioned in an earlier blog this month) has arrived.  I have now read it.  The metaphysics in it are very good, although the beginning is rather heavy.  Also, this copy is printed as by a typewriter in imitation of the first printing, I suppose.  This makes reading rather difficult, as there is not sufficient space between the lines.  The way so many of the characters in the book adopted Christian Science seems remarkable at this stage, but a friend at church, who has a long history of being a student of Christian Science, has told me that every family in her street was interested in Christian Science. This would have been in the 1930’s, I understand.

I’ve also received a copy of The Gospel of Mary of Magdala: Jesus and the First Woman Apostle.  Perhaps I will report on it later – have only read a few pages so far.
Joyce Voysey

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