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Thursday, 14 November 2013

He pities us

How beautifully Mrs. Eddy elaborates on the little phrase “He pities us,” in Unity of Good p.4:5!

 “No stubborn purpose to force conclusions on this subject will unfold in us a higher sense of Deity; neither will it promote the Cause of Truth or enlighten the individual thought” (p.5:14). 
The word “force” is sticking with me. Of course, the chapter title is “Caution in the Truth,” and we are still being taught from the question, “Does God know or behold sin, sickness, and death?”  Mrs. Eddy is always admonishing us to follow Jesus direction to be “wise as serpents, and harmless as doves” (Matt. 10:16).  For are we not “sheep in the midst of wolves” (ibid)?  But we can trust the “supernal guidance” if there is an occasion to discuss this matter with others. 

Page 7 is just plain wonderful!  The state of mind which heals the sick and sinning.

On to page 9 – we find the phrase “mystic psychology”*.  I had circled ‘mystic’ on a previous reading, but hadn’t looked it up.  I thought perhaps that it was Mrs. Eddy’s classification.  However, I googled it and found it is something that is practised.  The word alchemy is used; I didn’t look into it any further.  Suffice it to say that it is not the way of Jesus or of Christian Science.
Joyce Voysey
*Ed Here is the quote: Un. 9:8
Jesus has made the way plain,  — so plain that all are without excuse who walk not in it; but this way is not the path of physical science, human philosophy, or mystic psychology.

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