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Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Yea to those who listen and share through writing!

I turned to the preface of the book of Revelation in my beautiful NKJV version.  It has already answered one of my questions:  What does “The Revelation of Jesus Christ” mean?  Surely Jesus Christ knew the truth rather than needing Truth to be revealed to him?  The preface says, “This could be taken as a revelation which came from Christ or as a revelation which is about Christ – both are appropriate.”

Another interesting point: “Because of the unified contents of this book, it should not be called Revelations.”  This is something which has grated somewhat when the book is so named.

The introduction to The Message (by Eugene Petersen) informs me that the book is all about worship.  And it points out: “As the Revelator makes clear, worship must be carried out under conditions decidedly uncongenial to it.”

The topic at a recent Wednesday meeting at our church was “Worship God.” Copies of the following poem were distributed in advance.

"Worship God"


From the September 17, 1927 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel

Whenever through the troublous day
Temptation's woes appear,
When sorrow weighs my spirit down,
A "still small voice" I hear:
"Worship God."

When selfishness and vanity
Invade my consciousness,
The mentor speaks with patient will
My errant heart to bless:
"Worship God."

When out of sin's enslaving toils
I reap the fruits of pain,
Swift comes the healing when I mark
The message true and plain:
"Worship God."


Back to Revelation: I reason that the first three verses i.e. Revelation 1: 1-3, (RKJV titles them “Introduction and Benediction”) signify that John was in touch with, and listening to, the Christ, i.e. “…the true idea voicing good, the divine message from God to men speaking to the human consciousness” (Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy p. 332:9-11).  And John received the Christ message to humanity.  This was the Revelation, which he wrote down; just as Mary Baker Eddy wrote her revelation of the Christ Science communicated to her by the Christ.

Joyce Voysey

Ed.  And aren’t we grateful to writers for capturing ideas and sharing them with the world!

NKJV – New King James Version of the Bible; RKJV – Revised King James Version

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