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Saturday, 22 November 2014

Religion, medicine, the courts, and the laws of our land

"Uncharitable Publications.  A member of this Church shall not publish, nor cause to be published, an article that is uncharitable or impertinent towards religion, medicine, the courts, or the laws of our land" (Church Manual, page 48).

I think in particular of The Christian Science Monitor.  How alert must the editors be to that one!  Some may think of this being a restraining influence for them, but for sure, it is liberating and conducive to inspired reporting of the facts, not least from being obedient to the by-law, and also perhaps the necessity to ask God for direction on how to put the case.

Now, I understand that not everyone who writes for the Monitor is a Christian Scientist.  So they are doubly blessed perhaps.  The editor will put them right if they stray from the spirit of the by-law.
Joyce Voysey

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