Testimonials. Yesterday I was flipping through the Manual looking for the By-law entitled Testimonials. It is on page 47. I was making sure I had it handy for the Wednesday Evening Meeting last night. At last week’s meeting two gentlemen had given rather odd testimonies which some found somewhat disconcerting, so I decided to read this By-law in the notices, adding the note that the Order of Service gives the direction for inviting testimonies, i.e. that they are to be “Experiences, testimonies, and remarks on Christian Science.” See page 122.
As I flipped, I noticed the word “Testimonial” on a different page. Page 75 has the By-law Church Edifice a Testimonial. It is all very interesting. The article (XXIV) is titled Guardianship of Church Funds, and the first Section refers to the date March 20, 1895. Now, Robert Peel’s Mary Baker Eddy: The Years of Authority gives as an Appendix, a chronology of Mary Baker Eddy’s important actions from 1892 onwards. There, I find that the Original Mother Church was dedicated on January 6th 1895, with the first services being held on December 30, 1894.
(Readers may notice that I love the tracks I am led to in my taking up a topic.)
This “Testimonial” paragraph speaks of the Christian Science Board of Directors, in behalf of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Mass. presenting this church edifice to Mrs. Eddy as a Testimonial of this church’s love and gratitude. But, it goes on to say that while she gratefully acknowledges this gift, she declined to receive it. In keeping with the matter of the Manual Article, the writer (Mrs. Eddy, of course), speaks about the financial situation between the Board of Directors and the Church.
The following paragraph, Financial Situation, tells us that the church legally belongs to the Board of Directors, and the members own them beneficially. How beautiful!
O Boy! There is a lot in this little book – something new every time one comes to it!
Let’s go back to the Testimonial matter. It means (rather limply as I see it), an expression of approval or esteem, or it can be a written or oral statement that praises someone’s work, skill, character, etc. (Miriam-Webster). Mrs. Eddy let the statement stand that the church is a testimonial. Does she mean it is a testimonial to Christian Science?
It is so interesting that in my consecutive reading of Mrs. Eddy’s Prose Works I have been re-reading As Chronicled by the Newspapers (beginning p. 63 of The First Church of Christ, Scientist). This chapter reprints many reports about the building of the Extension of The Mother Church. The praise and admiration is extraordinary, and it is deserved, for what an accomplishment it was for this -- some might call -- “upstart” church. What a testimonial it is to Mrs. Eddy’s work in bringing the Comforter to mankind.
Joyce Voysey
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