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Sunday, 12 July 2015

Studying Hebrews

Hello!  Hello!  Harper Collins New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) of the Bible states that early Christian leaders such as Barnabas, Apollos, and Priscilla have been mentioned as possible authors of Hebrews.  Here is that woman I had heard about - maybe!  Regarding the ‘letter’ matter, the NRSV states that the book does end with a letter and that the final paragraphs give the possibility of it having been sent to far off recipients.  The last paragraph does seem to indicate that Paul had something to do with this communication – the mention of Timothy and Italy… I wonder if some day the author will be revealed?

NRSV suggests that the Greek in which this book was written is among the most sophisticated in the New Testament.

Eugene Petersen offers a different angle on the book in his introduction in The Message.  Here he says that it tells us we can get too religious!  And when that happens it is time to re-read and study afresh this precious book.

Joyce Voysey

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