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Wednesday, 1 July 2015

What joy

Possibly one of the most noteworthy aspects of the building of the Extension of The Mother Church is the fact that it was completed in 2 years from the laying of the corner stone.  (See page 67 of As Chronicled by the Newspapers.)  Having just read about the building of the Cologne Cathedral, which went on for many, many centuries (about 6) and was finished in 1880, and knowing that the building of the Anglican Cathedral in Brisbane was executed between the years 1906 and 2009, I can appreciate the magnitude of the task.  Though, of course, the Christian Science church is a simple building in comparison.
When I think of the interior of the two types of buildings, a circle and a straight line come to mind, the circle having an embracing feel to it.  Page 71 gives us a nice piece on the Unique Interior.

Fancy there being space for 5,000 people to move freely in the foyer!

And, the demonstrations that must have been made to accomplish the perfection recorded in the newspapers of the time!

Then there were testimony meetings – I count 9 places where they were held!  What a privilege to be present at one of those!  What joy! 

Joyce Voysey

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