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Saturday, 17 October 2015

Jerry - the horse

I love the story about Jerry, the horse, related on page 585 (note 9):

On one occasion a different horse than usual was harnessed to her carriage. “’Where is Jerry?’ asked Mrs. Eddy.  ‘Jerry is lame,’ was the reply. ‘Put Jerry in the harness,’ said Mrs.  Eddy. The coachman obeyed, and soon the carriage came up the driveway, with Jerry in the harness, limping at each step. ‘Jerry,’ said Mrs. Eddy, ‘mind your own business.’ and Jerry stopped limping.”

Joyce Voysey


  1. I liked this, and found it quite thought-provoking. Others may have another take on it, but my thought is that the metaphysical truth behind Mrs Eddy's statement was that humanly it appears that horses and other domesticated animals can fall under the influence of the thought (and fears) of their carers. She was telling Jerry that he was capable of minding his own business, since he also reflected the one Mind. He didn't need others to mind his business for him. He was a complete, mature, self-governing idea.

    What do others think?

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  3. Hi Marie

    I love what you have written. I think you are spot on and appreciate the idea that we are all capable of minding our own business. How often do we tend to tread on another's ability to do so.


  4. In the Bible Lesson this week (Oct Oct 26 - Nov 1), the story of the adulterous woman and her self-righteous accusers (John 8: 1-11) is a good illustration of how to mind one's own business.

    1. Jerry is back in the news. Well horses anyhow.

      In searching for Jerry's story I found this in We Knew MBE: Expanded vol. 1 - page 386:

      "She was fond of her horses and saw to it they had the best of care. It is true that they wore blinders and a checkrein, but in those days it was felt that a horse kept his mind on his business better with blinders on and was therefore easier to drive."

      A metaphysical lesson there?

      Jerry is in Mary Baker Eddy: Christian Healer - expanded.


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