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Friday, 30 October 2015

Practical good

To wander a little from our Club  book –

In my current re-reading of Mrs. Eddy’s Prose Works, I have just read about her approval of, and contribution to, a monument being erected to Baron and Baroness de Hirsch. See Miscellany p. 287 (chapter title: Tributes).

I knew nothing about this illustrious couple so I checked that remarkable resource, the Internet, and found this which modestly illustrates their philanthropy in America for Jews escaping the Russian persecution of their race. 

Here is the link – For those interested, here is the name and headlining of the article: "Recollections of a Connecticut Jewish Farmer's Son"
September 1, 2007 | Libo, Kenneth | Copyright

Also on page 287 of Miscellany "In love for man we gain the only and true sense of love for God, practical good..."

Joyce Voysey

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