Regarding the article The
Children Contributors (page 216:14 of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany (My)), readers may wonder, as I did,
about the Trust Fund and its history. It is all recorded in the 25th May,
1935 edition of the Christian Science Sentinel, under Items of Interest/Trust Fund for “Busy Bees.”
Also of interest is the following editorial note (,
which mentions the organiser of the Busy Bees, Maurine Campbell:
A Recruit for China
By Editor (From the July 10, 1902 issue of the Christian
Science Sentinel)
The world has not
yet forgotten the strength and faith and womanliness of one who worthily stood by
her husband, the United States Minister, during those awful weeks of the siege
of the British Legation in Pekin. How largely her understanding of Truth
entered into the determination of events the world may never surmise, but all
Christian Scientists rejoice in the demonstration of protection and safety.
are glad to learn that this faithful worker in Christian Science is to be
joined by Miss Maurine Campbell, late of Des Moines, Ia., and well known to the
Field as the organizer of "The Busy Bees."
Campbell sails from San Francisco July 16, and the loving thought of all
Christian Scientists will accompany her.
the Truth should be radiated by these brave beacon lights standing so near the
throne, is cause for thanksgiving in all our hearts, and the blessing of God
will surely attend their ministry. Let us not forget them and their unique call
and opportunity.
Joyce Voysey
How interesting! I am particularly taken with the following: "How largely her understanding of Truth entered into the determination of events the world may never surmise". It makes me ponder how largely other Christian Scientists' understanding of Truth may have entered into the determination of events in the world. It is always difficult to surmise these things, but we should give due credit to the power of Truth clearly understood, even when our human estimation of events may be struggling to see that the Divine is present.