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Monday, 25 April 2016

God is not in matter

Re-reading our short but revealing study for April, Christian Science versus Pantheism, I am impressed with the idea that God is not in matter. God, Spirit, is supreme, and is seen in the things of Spirit. Matter is without substance. Things of Spirit are divine, qualities such as joy, loving-kindness, hope, honesty - things which never exist in matter.

On page 8:6, Eddy refutes three widely held beliefs, namely that Jesus is God, that Mary was the mother of God, and that Mohammed is the only prophet of God. God is one only. God can never be divided. God is self-existent, and is divine Father-Mother. Christ Jesus is the one Master and Way-shower. We look only to his example, upon which Christian Science is based.

Eddy instructs Christian Scientists to "love all Christian churches for the gospel's sake" (13:13). This coincides with her instructions in "Choose Ye" (see The First Church of Christ, Scientist p.14) where she writes: "A genuine Christian Scientist loves Protestant and Catholic, D.D. and M.D., - loves all who love God, good; and he loves his enemies."

And so we "set our affections on things above" (14:4) - we cherish those things of Spirit which are truly substantial, lasting, pure, and wholly good, because "The demonstration of Christianity blesses all mankind" (9:20-21). 

Julie Swannell

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