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Tuesday, 13 September 2016

A great adventure

Book for September, 2016 – Philippians

Dummelow's One Volume Bible Commentary has given me the clue that I must go to Acts for the prelude to the book of Philippians. This is where the founding of the church at Philippi is recorded, in Chapter 16. It is one of the great adventure stories in the Bible.

Paul and Silas had been forbidden to 'preach the word in Asia.' Then 'the Spirit suffered them not' to go to Bithynia. They came to Troas where Paul had a vision whereby a man of Macedonia beseeched him to come to Macedonia and help them. Immediately they set out to go there – Troas to Samothracia to Neapolis to Philippi which was the main city. They sat down by the river and spoke with the women who came there to pray. (Dummelow says, “Where the Jews were too few to build a synagogue, they were wont to assemble in open-air places for prayer by the seaside, or on a river's bank, for convenience of purification.) They met up with Lydia who was receptive to Paul's preaching and was baptized, and her household with her. She 'constrained' them to stay at her house.

Then we have the story of the fortune-telling damsel controlled by her masters. The erroneous spirit was cast out of her and the masters saw to it that they were beaten and cast into prison.

Remember the next part of the story? The release of Paul and Silas, who had prayed and sang praises to God at midnight, was brought about by an earthquake which loosed all the prisoners' bands. The keeper of the prison was converted. Paul had the last word with the magistrates who he convinced that being Romans they should not have been imprisoned. We leave Paul and Silas back at Lydia's house. “And when they had seen the brethren, they comforted them, and departed.”

So we go back to Paul's letter to the Philippians, convinced that Lydia and the women had done sterling work in the ten intervening years.

Joyce Voysey

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