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Monday, 9 January 2017

Growing with new music

Now the Hymnal Supplement (2008) – January 2017

An article titled "A New Hymnal Supplement" in the October 2008 issue of The Christian Science Journal appeared under the banner "THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PUBLISHING SOCIETY".  The article speaks of the “long pent-up demand for new music.” []

And further on it adds - 

“What is planned for the future? That is largely up to you! We hope to publish more music if there is both the demand for it and supply of submissions from the Field. As we consider the next few years, our ideas include the following: A series of Hymnal supplements (as new and interesting music is available); CDs incorporating the new hymns sung in choral arrangements or as solos by contemporary artists; regional hymn-sings to encourage and share music possibilities; and a music-resource website to assist branch churches with solos, hymns, and performance ideas. At this point, we are committed to engaging fellow members to find new music and new ways of playing and sharing "the rhythm of head and heart," as Mrs. Eddy referred to music (Science and Health, p. 213).”

Much of that promise has come to pass with the New New New Supplement ready for the churches.
New New New because the main hymnal we are now using includes already a Supplement of hymns 401 to 429.

I am very interested in the “regional hymn-sings.” And I could name people to lead them in Australia, but so far they have not reached our state at least.

As one who loves our present Hymnal Notes which accompany the Hymnal Concordance, I hope that there will be further hymnal notes to tell us about the new ones' history. (We studied the Hymnal Notes for this blog in December 2012.)

Joyce Voysey

I am becoming more appreciative of the Hymnal Supplement (2008) since needing to choose hymns for Sunday School.  The old hymnal doesn't seem to offer many suitable for very young children.

We will be trying some of the Supplement ones now.

Addendum to my notes on Daniel (from last month)
Chapter 8 ends with the thought that Daniel himself did not understand the vision he had of the Ram and the Goat! One wonders what hope one has of doing so.

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