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Sunday, 1 January 2017

Time to sing!

Study for January 2017 - the 2008 Hymnal Supplement

Back in 2008, the Christian Science Publishing Society issued a new Hymnal Supplement. 

A note in the October issue of The Christian Science Journal that year began 

"COMING THIS NOVEMBER, for the first time in 76 years, a new Hymnal Supplement! This 2008 supplement contains new inspiring and healing hymns written and arranged by Christian Scientists today, as well as hymn texts from the current Hymnal set to contemporary music. We hope you will enjoy singing these hymns as much as we have loved collecting and publishing them. These songs are offered to support the healing and joy of our church services and your practice of Christian Science.

As we reviewed the history of our Hymnal, it was surprising to all of us that a supplement was not issued sooner. In Mary Baker Eddy's day there was a succession of new or revised Hymnals."

With the imminent issue of a further supplement, it seems timely to take a look into those hymns we were gifted back in 2008. Music offers much to ponder. Some avenues for further research might include: sacred music, Hymnody, and congregational singing. 

The Bible and our Leader's writings, as well as the wealth of material in our periodicals (see are replete with instruction and inspiration, so I hope readers will share their prayer-based thoughts on the topic through the avenue of this blog site. For instance the Church Manual offers guidance about the tone, type and place of suitable music for church services.

Henry E. Wright shared the following story in his lovely article "Freedom Won by Song from the June 19, 1943 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel: 

"One beautiful summer evening, a bird flew into the kitchen of a large house. Upon the approach of one of its occupants, the timid bird flew into a large cupboard. In due course this person went to get an article from the cupboard, afterward closing the doors. A little later, although entombed in the darkness of the cupboard, the bird began to sing. It was assumed that it was the song of a bird in the garden. Gradually, as the volume of song became louder and louder, the hearer decided to investigate. Since the sound came from the direction of the cupboard the doors were opened, and the bird flew out through the window into the garden.

"Does not this incident hold a lesson for each one of us? When the daily round does not appear to run smoothly, let us start to sing, either mentally or audibly. Mrs. Eddy encourages us in these words from "Miscellaneous Writings" (pp. 19. 20): "The spiritual sense of Life and its grand pursuits is of itself a bliss, health-giving and joy-inspiring. This sense of Life illumes our pathway with the radiance of divine Love." It is recorded in Acts that Paul and Silas won their freedom from prison by continually praying and singing praises to God. What a wonderful example for us all to follow!....

So "Let all within us sing/For that's what we are made to do" (Hymn 462 by Susan Mack)
Words Copyright 2005
Hymn 462:-1 Words (to 2005)
From Concord Express - A Christian Science Study Resource: The King James Version of the Bible and Mary Baker Eddy's published writings
Simply Praising Him
Susan Mack
Susan Mack
Arranged by Sue Loomis and Robert Rockabrand
Words Copyright 2005 and Music Copyright 2007 In Our Field Productions. Used by permission. Arr. Copyright 2008 The Christian Science Publishing Society.


Julie Swannell

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