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Tuesday, 25 July 2017

"Daily Inter-Ocean" Dec 31, 1894

And so, on to the press reports about a momentous event – the building and dedication of the original Mother Church.

The first account is from the Daily Inter-Ocean of Chicago, December 31, 1894 (Pul. p. 23) I feel that I should know the identity of the writer, but haven't gone on a search as yet. What a comprehensive report the writer has presented to the world. I particularly appreciated the detailed description of the edifice outside and in. Having never visited Boston and The Mother Church, I am not familiar with the building, except through photographs, etc. I am particularly delighted with the colour I read about – rose pink, which I understand was a favourite of Mrs. Eddy's; we read of pink marble, pink granite – a restful colour, I would say.

The writer had interviewed Mrs. Eddy, and one section of the report speaks of her impressions of her.

I will list the sub-headings of this lengthy newspaper report:
  • The Church Edifice
  • The “Mother's Room”
  • The Order of Service
  • The Church Members
  • Mrs. Eddy
  • Mrs. Eddy as a Child
  • The Principle of Divine Healing
  • Mrs. Eddy's Personality
  • The First Association

What a fulsome account the correspondent has given us. And Mrs. Eddy added, at the end, a poem by Lilian Whiting, "At the Window" (p. 39-30).

Joyce Voysey

The report referred to above mentions the "Romanesque tower...circular front...octagonal form, accented by stone porticos and turreted corners". Readers might be interested to know that Romanesque architecture is said to include qualities such as solidity, dignity, and serenity. (See A world history of art by Hugh Honour and John Fleming, 2009, p. 368-9.)

A favourite part of this report is the correspondent's account of her own change, during her visit with Mary Baker Eddy. See page 36, Pulpit and Press

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