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Sunday, 29 December 2019

Salt and peace

A man had a problem with rodents.
Furthermore, his neighbourhood was experiencing jealousy, robberies, and quarrels and had had no electricity for three years. A neighbour had provided him with a bag of salt to keep the rats at bay but he told her he was going to pray about the situation.

As he prayed for inspiration to begin his metaphysical treatment of the problem, a verse from Mark came to thought: 'You must have salt in yourselves and live at peace with each other'--Mark 9:50 (J.B. Phillips Bible). He writes:

The one and only demand is to acknowl­edge that Spirit, God, is supreme. I must throw the net of my mental influence on the right side, not on the side of belief in the powers of sea salt, but on the side of God—Love, Truth, and Spirit—who encircles His whole creation.

I realized that all these ordeals—the infestation of rodents, the presence of snakes attracted by the rodents, the robberies, the quarrels and the lack of electricity—manifested only what mortal thought believes. I also understood that every individual is really a spiritual idea of God, and there could not be conflicts between spiritual ideas governed by God.

(Web Original from The Christian Science Journal July 1, 2015, 'Have salt in yourselves' by Daniel Biwila) Within days the rodents were gone, the electricity was restored and the robberies and quarrelling had stopped. 

The Discoverer of Christian Science taught that 'The Bible contains the recipe for all healing'
(Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures p. 406:1 (only)). How marvellous that the Bible gives us the recipe for healing! We can follow those instructions and demonstrate their worth each day. This is Christian Science at work. As Eddy states: 'Science will declare God aright, and Christianity will demonstrate this declaration and its divine Principle, making mankind better physically, morally, and spiritually' (SH 466: 28). Our scientifically sound reasoning is the much-needed salt.

Julie Swannell

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