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Wednesday, 18 December 2019

What are we listening to?

Jesus was a great teacher. He often used parables to convey his ideas and many parables included farming analogies, as in the parable of the farmer and his seeds--see Mark chapter 4. We remember that not all of the seeds germinated and brought forth fruit. And so it is with our endeavours today.
Not every idea or action produces the desired results. Sometimes we will need to re-plant and try again.

Jesus tells us to tune in to this lesson of the seed. The gospel of Mark chapter 4, verse 9 according to the J.B. Phillips translates Jesus admonition as: 'Every man who has ears should use them.'

In a helpful article (Christian Science Journal November 1965) called Seeds of Truth, Helen Wood Bauman notes:

The Master realized that God is perpetually transmitting ideas to His children. Mary Baker Eddy says in "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 357): "The seeds of Truth fall by the wayside, on artless listeners. They fall on stony ground and shallow soil. The fowls of the air pick them up. Much of what has been sown has withered away, but what remaineth has fallen into the good and honest hearts and is bearing fruit."*

God prepares the soil. We need to find ways to open thought. We might take a long walk, move away from worldly pursuits for a time, turn away from the television, the radio, the internet, preparation of food, discussion with friends and family. Turn wholly to God. Pray for ourselves. Regularly.

Who knows what seeds might take root, grow, and bear fruit. Happy listening.

Julie Swannell

*Subscribers can read the whole article on or anyone can pop into or phone a Christian Science Reading Room to get a copy.

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