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Wednesday, 6 July 2022

A very neat gold watch

On page 166 of We Knew Mary Baker Eddy (Volume 2, Expanded Edition), Joseph Mann tells of receiving the gift of a “very neat gold watch.” When he thanked her, he remarked that it would remind him to always be on time. She appreciated the sentiment and replied, “Yes, dear, it will remind you that time is precious and belongs to God; and throughout time, it will say to you--'Watch!'”

There are many references to clocks in Mrs. Eddy’s household. The workers knew that they had to be on time.

Joyce Voysey

Ed. Julia Prescott also remarks on Eddy's generosity. On page 94 she writes: "She delighted to give always in every direction" and Prescott goes on to recount how a young Mary gave away her lunch to those she thought might otherwise go hungry. 

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