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Thursday, 7 July 2022

Grace, and a baby blanket

This week’s Lesson-Sermon (Subject: Sacrament: July 4-10, 2022) gives us the story of Martha being busy about the house while Mary sits at Jesus’ feet. The lesson also emphasises the fact that we have grace to do any task; and that we need grace to accomplish the everyday jobs, as well as the more spiritual ones. It reminded me of what is recorded in the We Knew Mary Baker Eddy stories about the workers in Mrs. Eddy’s home – some did the laundry, some the yard work, some the cooking, some the house cleaning, some the typing of Mrs. Eddy’s correspondence, some the purely metaphysical work and the “watching.” All work was to be done with and through grace.

One of my daughters and I have been trying to mend a machine-knitted baby blanket which has been burned with acid so that it has four round holes, each maybe 7 cms across. The wool is very fine and there are two thicknesses. A difficult mend! The owner of the blanket, my granddaughter-in-law, has great faith in our ability to fix things!

Early this week I sat down with it again. It seemed that in spite of what the Bible says, this was an impossible task,  It felt like a royal law has been broken. However I kept at it and, though it may not be perfect and at this point it is still a work in progress, I think at least we have proved the Biblical law that "with God all things are possible" (Matt 19: 26). The holes will be filled!

Joyce Voysey

Ed. Bravo! This reminds me of the instruction: 

"Beholding the infinite tasks of truth, we pause, — wait on God. Then we push onward, until boundless thought walks enraptured, and conception unconfined is winged to reach the divine glory."

(Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 323:9)

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