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Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Are we worthy?   by Joyce Voysey

Chapter 5 – Mrs Eddy is quoted on page 90 (Ed. - page 103 in the Amplified edition) as having used the terms Her and Herself for God, when teaching Christian Science.  What a beautiful quote it is: “Love is a Mother tenderly brooding over all Her children.  This Mother guards each one from harm, nourishes, holds close to Herself, and carefully leads along the upward way”.  Of course, Love as Father is also there being its loving, masterly self.  The point I am getting to is that nowhere in her writings do we find the feminine pronouns being capitalised.  It has me wondering
how much she used them in her conversations.  Isn’t “wonder” a wonderful word?

The Clara Barton quote on page 91 (Ed. - in the Notes p. 291 in the Amplified edition) – how perceptive she was.  Do we, as students of the Science she revealed to us and the world, realise how great Mary Baker Eddy was/is?

·        Miss Clara Barton, celebrated philanthropist and first president of the American Red Cross Society, although not a Christian Scientist, said of Mrs. Eddy in an interview appearing in the New York American of January 6, 1908: “Love permeates all the teachings of this great woman, - so great, I believe, that at this perspective we can scarcely realize how great.”

Ed. - Note from the Amplified edition – “This interview was reprinted in The Christian Science Journal February, 1908, Vol. 25 pp. 696-99.”

Chapter 6 - How she lived that Science!  It brought her such a progressive state of thought that she could give the editors of her periodicals “a veritable university education in literary workmanship,” even though she had not herself had that sort of education.  (p. 101; Ed. - p. 120 Amplified edn)

Chapter 7 - I love the “vastness” of Christian Science referred to on page 112 (Ed. – p. 145 Amplified edn).  What a very small part of that vastness is comprehended at this time, even by the most advanced students, it seems. 

We are told on page 114 (Ed. – p. 147 Amplified edn) that Mrs. Eddy was “Watching over a Cause that held within its care the welfare of mankind…”  And she has left us the legacy and privilege as her students to carry on that care.  Are we worthy? 

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