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Thursday, 28 June 2012

“One on God’s side is a Majority” by Joyce Voysey

In relation to the pages about war, I have written (Ed. I presume in the margins of Joyce’s copy of Twelve Years):  We need to be sure we take sides with Principle and not come too conclusions which are mere human opinions.  We need to pray! 

And I wrote a poem – a very unusual thing for me.  It didn’t get the nod from the editors of the Christian Science periodicals, but I still like it:
One on God’s side is a Majority

One on God’s side is a majority?
     How can that be?
Mary Baker Eddy, inspired writer, teacher, leader,
quotes Wendell Phillips with authority –
“One on God’s side is a majority.”

Of course! That’s it!
 –   I’m touched by inspiration too –
I see
that, that one on God’s side knows
(and in Science knowing is all that is needed):
There is no other side than God’s.

The balance tips, and stays,
All must be on God’s side –
   For there is no other.

It seems to me that the founding of The Christian Science Monitor was Mrs. Eddy’s gift to God’s universal family (see S&H 577:4), a gift which gives men the tools with which to confront all the problems, including war, which they face on a daily basis.  So today, The Christian Science Monitor is the Christian Scientists’ continuing gift of love to themselves and all mankind.  Are we truly grateful for the Monitor, supporting it, subscribing for it, reading it, praying with it and for it?

John Salchow’s gallant action in physically lifting Mrs. Eddy away from curious onlookers is delightfully described on page 199.  What a beautiful picture we have in our minds about that gorgeous happening.

The last chapter (XIV) declares Mary Baker Eddy’s place in the history of Christianity and the world.

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