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Saturday, 2 June 2012

Our June book is Irving Tomlinson’s “Twelve Years with Mary Baker Eddy” and here are the questions:

1.    Ps 11: 1 says “Flee as a bird to your mountain.”  What was Mrs Eddy’s take on this passage? (see p. 51 original ed. of Twelve Years..)

2.    Who was Eddy’s instructor in reading? (see p. 80 original edition)

3.    Which do you think is the most interesting of Eddy’s healings recorded in this book? Why?

4.    Fill in the blank (Mrs Eddy’s words): “___________ first, preaching follows” (see p. 141 original edition)

5.    After reading this book, why do you think Eddy founded a church?
And bonus question if you like:

6.    What does the book tell us about Eddy’s thought regarding children?

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