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Friday, 20 September 2013

Favourite Chapters: John 9 and 10

Chapter 9 of John’s Gospel is a favourite of mine.  I distinctly remember reading the whole chapter as the Bible selection for a Wednesday evening meeting at my church.  That was back in 1977 – I just looked it up in the record I kept at that time. My notes tell me that I have read from the chapter at some later date as well.  The first time, in 1977, the topic was “Vision” and the citations from Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures (S&H) by Mary Baker Eddy were almost all centred on that idea. 
The second time, the selections concentrated more on the ignorance of the Pharisees.  I have no date for that one but it was possibly 20 years later. 
The hymns chosen illustrate the different angles as well.  The “Vision” ones were: 148 In Heavenly Love abiding, 421 From these Thy children, and 23 Blest Christmas Morn, while the “Ignorance” ones were 34 Christ comes again with holy power, 346 Thou whose almighty Word, and 384 When God is seen with men to dwell.  It is still inspiring to read over those citations.
All of this seems to point to some spiritual growth in the intervening years.  I wonder what angle I might come up with now?
John 10 throws up some more instances of Jesus saying “I am.”  It seems to me that he is using repetition to get his message over to the people.  Different audiences require slightly different aspects.  It reminds me that S&H does this.  It covers all human situations and thoughts in order to reach those in different states of consciousness.
Chapter 10 takes the shepherd approach: “I am the door of the sheep.”  “I am the door.” “I am the good shepherd.”  “I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep.”
Later we have “I and my Father are one.”  And “I am the Son of God.”  The consternation this caused!  Mary Baker Eddy also caused consternation when she declared, “There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter” (S&H 468:9-10).  And when she further declared that knowing this truth will heal the sick and reform the sinner.
I am reminded that Jesus also said, “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword” (Matt. 10:34)!!  Perhaps this was the sword Mrs. Eddy had in mind when she wrote the Glossary definition of “sword”: The idea of Truth; justice; revenge; anger” (S&H p. 595:3).  Turmoil of mortal mind was predicted.  Perhaps we are experiencing it now.

Joyce Voysey 

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